An Evening with World Renowned Human Behavior Expert - Dr John Demartini
You're Not Here To Fit In 
You're Here To STAND OUT!
Activate Your Genius & Do Something Extraordinary With Your Life
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Chicago, United States of America
Venue: JW Marriott Chicago
Time: Registration from 6:30pm 
Talk: 7pm – 9:30pm
Price: $40
Includes Digital gifts to the value of $160 
“Dr. John Demartini is one of the greatest minds and illuminating teachers on the planet. The clarity of his teachings will inspire billions.”
- Rhonda Byrne, The Secret
You have the capacity to do something EXTRAORDINARY with your life. To achieve GREATNESS and Change the World
"Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do"
- Steve Jobs
As children, we quickly learned that it was easier to fit in - to do as we were told, subordinate to authority, and follow the herd.

We were told when to get up, what to do at school, how to behave at home, and how best to get on with our friends. 

The result is that many of us learned to ignore THE VOICE AND THE VISION ON THE INSIDE, and listen to what the world wanted us to do instead. 

It's no wonder so many feel lost and unsure of their unique purpose in life – they have spent their whole lives trying to be someone they’re not! 

If you would like to learn to free yourself from the ‘shoulds’ and ‘supposed to’s’ and 'have to’s' that surround your daily life, then join Dr Demartini on March 26, 2020 in Chicago, for his inspiring, informative and practical presentation, You're Not Here To Fit In. You're Here To Stand Out! 

During this powerful two-hour presentation, Dr Demartini will show you how to:

 ✔️Liberate yourself from outer influences and frustrations of life
 ✔️Let go of internal anger, blame, betrayal, criticism, challenge, despair and depression
 ✔️Prioritize your life and delegate lower priority things
 ✔️Let the voice and vision on the inside guide you so you can activate your genius and do something extraordinary with your life. 

You are not self-sabotaging or undisciplined or unfocused – you’re simply trying to live other people’s values instead of honoring your own. 

Don’t miss this powerful event so you can learn to master your life and discover the fulfillment of waking up each morning inspired and driven to expand your wonderful life. 
Spaces at our evening events are limited 
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Book Now And Receive ALL of The BONUS gifts Below
(**Value $160**) 
Dr Demartini's Gifts to really help you sTAND OUT:
1. Leave Your Baggage Behind
Learn how to process your past challenges so that you can transcend them in a way that helps you Stand Out and achieve your full potential
2. How Your Labels Set You Free
It’s possible that the labels you’ve been using could be the very keys that will open the door to your inspired future. It’s time to re-frame your perceptions and set yourself free
3. Balancing Emotions - A New Language For Change
Learn how asking great questions can clear out emotional stress or distress and allow you to lead a much more fulfilled life 
4. The Riches Within
Learn how to break through the mental limitations that are holding your financial empowerment back and activate your unique form wealth
5. Vision Boards & Affirmations
How to create the most powerful year using an understanding of your brain’s visual and auditory function when it comes to setting incredible goals that you are sure to achieve
6. How To Increase Deserve Level
It's been shown that people's "Deserve Level", or how much they believe they deserve to achieve the things they most want in life actually plays a huge role in whether they achieve or not. Learn how to increase your Deserve Level by clearing out past shame and guilt
7. How To Prioritize to Maximize Profits
It is wise, and essential, to make sure that you structure your business focus efficiently so that you can maximise your service and your reward
8. Eight Keys to Wealth
There are just 8 fundamental things that are required in order to build wealth. In this booklet we will explore what they are and how you can get them
9. Stress Less To Live a Balanced Life
Stress affects almost every aspect of our lives. Discover what you can do to moderate the immediate and long-term effects of this inevitable and potentially dangerous part of life
10. Proven Strategies For Great Relationships
A profoundly valuable look into relationships, with practical tools and insights. If you wish to grow your personal/loving intimate relationships, or your business/professional relationships, or to empower your social relationships, you’ll find a wealth of wisdom shared in this 90-minute audio presentation
11. Top 10 Myths About Relationships
We have grown up with fairy tales, where people live happily ever after. Take a look at the 10 most common relationship myths so that you can move past them and fully experience the riches that a great relationship has to offer
12. Inspiration Flashcards
Flashcards with wisdom and inspiration for your work and life spaces. Display them for inspiration to help you maintain your focus and balance
Spaces at our evening events are limited 
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Louise Hay
Motivational Speaker and Author - 
"Heal Your Body", "The Power Is Within You"
"Dr. Demartini synthesizes science, philosophy 
and mysticism with magnificent simplicity 
and great practical sense.”
Simon Reynolds 
Business Mentor and Author -
"Better Than Chocolate", "Why People Fail"
“Demartini's advice is original and valuable. 
I rank John amongst the very top experts in this field.”
Siimon Reynolds 
Business Mentor and Author -
"Better Than Chocolate", "Why People Fail"
“Demartini's advice is original and valuable. 
I rank John amongst the very top experts in this field.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Internationally Renowned Self-Development Speaker & NY Times Best Seller - 
"The Power Of Intention", "Living An Inspired Life"
“Dr. Demartini not only has the power to heal, 
but also the power to open up hearts to love again. 
His work is REAL magic!”
Dr. John Demartini is a world authority on performance and leadership development. His knowledge is the culmination of over 45 years of cross-disciplinary research. 
 Copyright © Demartini Institute 2018. All rights reserved
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